© All artwork copyright of the artist.

Over the past 60 years…

the conversation between Appearance and Reality has been at the heart of my work. I seek to make the ordinary extraordinary, and as a Colorist, the mutability of color is a core element of my approach. My work is thematic, which dictates the way I choose imagery and media. I am inspired by images I accumulate as I travel and view the world about me. This takes the form of remembered landscapes, figurative compositions, and subtle political statements.

I prefer to work in series with a minimum of three canvases going simultaneously, allowing me to carry forward the discoveries made in each and ensuring a conversational continuity between each piece. My work is contemplative with many fugitive clues. My desire is to have my audience pause long enough to allow this subtle communication to occur and resonate.

In addition to my Current Work, this website consists of a selection of paintings, works on paper and drawings that reflect my artistic journey from 1957 to the present. While the subject, theme and context of the work varies in response to my surroundings, that which remains constant is the role of color - intense, decorative, mysterious and symbolic; the dialogue between perception and reality; and, the use of drawing, which is both descriptive and interpretive and functions as the architecture of the paintings. I have always used visual journals to plant the seeds of future work; however, the large format works on paper are complete in themselves.

While curating three retrospective exhibitions, I had the opportunity to revisit the past through the paintings and drawings, as they remind me of every moment of my life at the time I was producing them. They also offer insight into when and why I began as an artist, where I am at present, and where the future may take me.

Todo comenzó cuando…

Entre 2016 y 2017 me dediqué a la inmensa tarea de trasladar toda la obra artística que me quedaba en un depósito en Estados Unidos a mi estudio de Alhama de Granada en España. Esta página web comprende una selección de pinturas, obras en papel y dibujos que reflejan mi travesía como artista desde 1957 hasta hoy. En este recorrido, mi vida profesional me ha llevado a diferentes lugares y, en cada uno, he re-establecido mi conexión con el arte montando de inmediato un estudio.

Mientras que el tema y contexto de la obra ha ido cambiando de acuerdo a mi nuevo entorno, lo que ha permanecido constante ha sido el papel del color —intenso, decorativo, misterioso y simbólico; el diálogo entre la percepción y la realidad; y el uso del dibujo, descriptivo e interpretativo a la vez, y que funciona como la arquitectura de la pintura.

Comisariar tres exposiciones retrospectivas y la obra que se incluye en esta página web, me ha permitido revisitar el pasado a través de pinturas y dibujos, pues recuerdo las circunstancias vitales en las que los produje. Me permiten también comprender cuándo y por qué comencé, por dónde he transitado, dónde estoy actualmente y hacia dónde el futuro podría llevarme.

©Toda la obra es copyright de la artista